The author provides a road map to peace, joy and wholeness. She offers advice to people who have lost their way, and she provides a spiritual foundation for those who are questioning the meaning of life after the upheavals of war and economic turmoil. The book can be read as a series of meditations on a larger theme. The author’s strong belief in the huge influence of the subconscious mind, and our ability to use the conscious mind to harness it, is the foundation of the entire book. Each chapter shows how to harness the power of the subconscious mind to live with purpose.
You Can Be Happy is one woman’s deeply sincere and eloquent explanation of the practical faith which brought her freedom from fear and depression, and a dynamic positive outlook upon life. It is one person’s example of how anyone can use the New Thought philosophy of life to improve themselves and their circumstances.
The author provides a road map to peace, joy and wholeness. She offers advice to people who have lost their way, and she provides a spiritual foundation for those who are questioning the meaning of life after the upheavals of war and economic turmoil. The book can be read as a series of meditations on a larger theme. The author’s strong belief in the huge influence of the subconscious mind, and our ability to use the conscious mind to harness it, is the foundation of the entire book. Each chapter shows how to harness the power of the subconscious mind to live with purpose.
This classic has been out of print and unavailable for many years. This new edition is edited into gender neutral language for the 21st century, making the author’s story of her experience freshly accessible to a new audience.