New Thought: Its History and Principles (Message of the New Thought)

New Thought: Its History and Principles (Message of the New Thought)
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Author: William Walker Atkinson
Genres: History, New Thought, Philosophy, Self Improvement
Tags: affirmations, meditation, mental healing, power of the mind, transcendentalism
Publisher: Hudson Mohawk Press LLC
Publication Year: 2009
ASIN: 0984304010
ISBN: 9780984304011

This classic work that explains how the origins of the New Thought movement, the uniquely American spiritual philosophy that developed at the turn of the 20th century, can be found in the oldest philosophical systems of humanity, and in the revival of Transcendentalism which occurred in America about 1800 to 1825.

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About the Book

New Thought: Its History and Principles is a classic work that explains how the origins of the New Thought movement, the uniquely American spiritual philosophy that developed at the turn of the 20th century, can be found in the oldest philosophical systems of humanity, and in the revival of Transcendentalism which occurred in America about 1800 to 1825. The text of this new edition has been edited into gender neutral language in recognition of the author’s desire to bring the insights of New Thought to all people. Gender neutral language is a subtle but important way to promote equality, and equality is at the core of Atkinson’s thinking.  This new, gender neutral edition brings Atkinson’s insights to a new generation of readers in need of his timeless insights, and includes a new Introduction.  It also includes the author’s “Working Creed”, a summary of both his personal beliefs and the New Thought system in general.

William Walker Atkinson

William Walker Atkinson (1862-1932) was a lawyer, businessman, publisher, and prolific author writing under his own name and various pen names. After suffering a mental and physical breakdown, and financial disaster, he found renewal in the New Thought movement that took the American spiritual landscape by storm in the late 1800's. Atkinson regained his mental and physical health as well as his material prosperity after embracing this philosophy. William Walker Atkinson contributed immeasurably to the development of New Thought through his many books and articles and other activities.

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