Jewish Science: Divine Healing in Judaism

Jewish Science: Divine Healing in Judaism
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Author: Alfred Geiger Moses
Genres: Body, Mind & Spirit, Comparative Religion, Judaism, New Thought, Spirituality
Tags: christian science, jewish science, mental healing, power of the mind
Publisher: Hudson Mohawk Press LLC
Publication Year: 2011
ASIN: 0984304037
ISBN: 9780984304035

Thousands of American Jews were drawn to Christian Science and other New Thought teachings at the turn of the 20th century along with countless Christians. The growing popularity of New Thought teachings among American Jews concerned Jewish leaders of the time, including American Reform Rabbi Alfred Geiger Moses, who decided to do something about it.

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About the Book

Thousands of American Jews were drawn to Christian Science and other New Thought teachings at the turn of the 20th century along with countless Christians.  The growing popularity of New Thought teachings among American Jews concerned Jewish leaders of the time, including American Reform Rabbi Alfred Geiger Moses, who decided to do something about it.  Seeing much in New Thought teachings that could be adapted to Judaism, once stripped of its Christian elements, Rabbi Moses first published Jewish Science in 1916.  The author spends much time showing that the precepts of Christian Science and other New Thought denominations are drawn largely from the Hebrew scriptures.

This newly designed edition includes an extensive anthology of Hebrew scripture quotations from a New Thought perspective, and a new introduction by the editor.

"[The editor] correctly notes that current bestsellers like The Secret and The Law of Attraction draw on the same sources as Rabbi Moses did."
Alfred Geiger Moses

Alfred Geiger Moses (1878-1956) was the rabbi of the American Reform Congregation of the Gates of Heaven and Society for the Needy from 1901 to 1940, in Mobile, Alabama. His interest in divine healing likely stemmed from the physical and mental problems from which he long suffered. Rabbi Moses passed away in a state mental health institution in 1956.

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